Find Happiness on the Unexpected Journey.

“The police were there, searching the house, looking for evidence of any foul play. This was common procedure, they explained, for people who died at home…I followed them from room to room explaining, ‘Why would I have killed him? I have four kids. I need him. I have four kids. I need him.’” - excerpt from Detour to Happiness

Just twelve days after their fourth child is born, Cyndee Hopkins’ husband, Dave, dies unexpectedly in the night. Suddenly the sole parent to four small children, all age six and younger, Cyndee has no income, no insurance, and no idea what to do. What she does have is a grief so pervasive, so consuming, that she can barely pour her kids’ cereal in the mornings.

Some old friends fall away in the days and weeks after—so many don’t know what to say or how to deal with Cyndee’s loss. But new friends soon rise up to take their place: Pastor Terry, who becomes one of her closest confidantes—and her impromptu plumber, and the “frat boys”—an ensemble of her husband’s close college friends—who adopt her and her children into their own lives and families without question.

As Cyndee slowly regains her footing in a now unfamiliar life, one new friend is more persistent than the rest: God. Though she never gave Him much thought before, suddenly His presence, and His work, is everywhere, and impossible to ignore. With His help, Cyndee discovers how to move forward from her past to her future and how to cross the threshold from simple hope to a strong and reviving Faith.